
FloorInfo Properties

Item -> BaseInfo -> FloorInfo

Field Type Inherited from Description
Href String Item Gets or sets the Href value
CommonName String BaseInfo Gets or sets the CommonName value
ConcurrencyVersion Nullable<Int64> BaseInfo Gets or sets the ConcurrencyVersion value
InFolderHref String BaseInfo Gets or sets the InFolderHref value
InFolderKey String BaseInfo Gets or sets the InFolderKey value
IsGlobal Boolean BaseInfo Gets or sets the IsGlobal value
Key String BaseInfo Gets or sets the Key value
Links List<Link> BaseInfo Gets or sets the Links value
Metadata MetadataItem[] BaseInfo Gets or sets the Metadata value
Monikers MonikerItem[] BaseInfo Gets or sets the Monikers value
Notes NoteInfo[] BaseInfo Gets or sets the Notes value
ObjectLinks ObjectLinkItem[] BaseInfo Gets or sets the ObjectLinks value
Tags String[] BaseInfo Gets or sets the Tags value

JSON Structure of FloorInfo

   "Href"	:	"String",
   "CommonName"	:	"String",
   "ConcurrencyVersion"	:	"Nullable\<Int64\>",
   "InFolderHref"	:	"String",
   "InFolderKey"	:	"String",
   "IsGlobal"	:	"Boolean",
   "Key"	:	"String",
   "Links"	:	"List\<[Link](/object-model/link)\>",
   "Metadata"	:	"[MetadataItem](/object-model/metadataitem)[]",
   "Monikers"	:	"[MonikerItem](/object-model/monikeritem)[]",
   "Notes"	:	"[NoteInfo](/object-model/noteinfo)[]",
   "ObjectLinks"	:	"[ObjectLinkItem](/object-model/objectlinkitem)[]",
   "Tags"	:	"String[]"

Add Floor Async

Example in C#

// Returns: FloorInfo
var floorInfo = await client.AddFloorAsync(FolderInfo folder, FloorInfo floor);

Example in CURL

           curl -X POST \
               https://keepapi.feenicshosting.com/api/f/INSTANCE.KEY/floors \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'
               -d '{
                       "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.FloorInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                       "CommonName":"Example Floor",

Delete Floor Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.DeleteFloorAsync(FloorInfo floor);

Example in CURL

           curl -X DELETE \
               https://keepapi.feenicshosting.com/api/f/INSTANCE.KEY/floors/FLOOR.KEY \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'

Get Floors Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<FloorInfo>
var floorInfo = await client.GetFloorsAsync(FolderInfo folder);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               https://keepapi.feenicshosting.com/api/f/INSTANCE.KEY/floors \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'

Update Floor Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.UpdateFloorAsync(FloorInfo floor);

Example in CURL

           curl -X PUT \
               https://keepapi.feenicshosting.com/api/f/INSTANCE.KEY/floors/FLOOR.KEY \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'
               -d '{
                       "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.FloorInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                       "CommonName":"Example Floor",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.ObjectLinkItem, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "CommonName":"Dever's Instance",
                               {"$type":"System.Byte[], mscorlib","$value":""}
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.ObjectLinkItem, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "CommonName":"Dever's Instance",
                               "MetaDataBson":{"$type":"System.Byte[], mscorlib","$value":""}