
Represents the relationship between two Keep Resources.

This is how most objects are chained together. For example Access Levels are connected through an Object Link to a Person.

ObjectLinkItem Properties


Field Type Inherited from Description
CommonName String ObjectLinkItem Gets or sets the name of the common.
Href String ObjectLinkItem Gets or sets the href.
LinkedObjectKey String ObjectLinkItem Gets or sets the linked object key.
MetaDataBson Byte[] ObjectLinkItem Gets or sets the meta data bson.
Relation String ObjectLinkItem Gets or sets the relation.

JSON Structure of ObjectLinkItem

   "CommonName"	:	"String",
   "Href"	:	"String",
   "LinkedObjectKey"	:	"String",
   "MetaDataBson"	:	"Byte[]",
   "Relation"	:	"String"