
Represents a unique name with in a namespace for a specific resourceMonikers are typically used by 3rd party apps to embed the 3rd party ID value into the Keep resource. Since one Keep resource may be of interest to many 3rd party apps, each app must use a unique namespace.

A Moniker is a personal name or nickname; an informal label, often drawing attention to a particular attribute. It is used in Keep to be able to identify objects you create quickly.

MonikerItem Properties


Field Type Inherited from Description
Namespace String MonikerItem Gets or sets the namespace.
Nickname String MonikerItem Gets or sets the nickname.

JSON Structure of MonikerItem

   "Namespace"	:	"String",
   "Nickname"	:	"String"

Delete Moniker Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.DeleteMonikerAsync(BaseInfo baseInfo, String namespace, String nickname);

Example in CURL

           curl -X DELETE \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Get By Moniker Async

Example in C#

// Returns: T
var item = await client.GetByMonikerAsync<T>(String namespace, String nickname);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'

Get By Monikers Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<T>
var item = await client.GetByMonikersAsync<T>(String namespace, String nicknames);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               -d '["SetMonikerOnPersonForcUrlExample"]'

Get Monikers Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<MonikerItem>
var monikerItem = await client.GetMonikersAsync(BaseInfo baseInfo);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'

Set Moniker Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.SetMonikerAsync(BaseInfo baseInfo, MonikerItem monikerItem);

Example in CURL

           curl -X POST \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               -d '{
                       "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MonikerItem, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",