
Retrieves a set of EventMessages Returns (Task<IEnumerable>)

Get all Events.

Name Description
folder The Folder to start the search
page The First Page Number to return (default is 0)
pageSize The Page Size (default is 1000)
includeSubFolders Include Sub Folder (default is false)
includeSharedInstances Include Shared Instances (default is false)
spanScope Search arcoss unrelated Instances with the folder hierarcy (default is false)
requiresAck Only return events which require Acknowledgement (default is false)
startingOn Limit the events returned base on OccurredOn value
endingOn Limit the events returned based on the OccurredOn value
timeWindowStarting Limit the events returned based on the Occurred on Time of Day value
timeWindowEnding Limit the events returned based on the Occurred on Time of Day value
priorityThreshold Limit the events returned based on the Priority value. Only priority values greater than or equal to this threshold will be returned
forKeys Limit the results to events that are linked to at least one of these keys
forAllKeys Limit the results to events that are linked to all of these keys (usefully for finding events for a person at a reader)
sinceKey Obsolute. Do not pass a value.
query A MongoDB query syntax to limit results. Typically used to query into the EventData values
forPeopleInAccessLevels Limit Events to those of people that are members of a specific access level

Get Events Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<EventMessageData>
var eventMessageData = await client.GetEventsAsync(FolderInfo folder, Int32 page, Int32 pageSize, Boolean includeSubFolders, Boolean includeSharedInstances, Boolean spanScope, Boolean requiresAck, DateTime startingOn, DateTime endingOn, TimeSpan timeWindowStarting, TimeSpan timeWindowEnding, Int32 priorityThreshold, String forKeys, String forAllKeys, String sinceKey, String query, String forPeopleInAccessLevels);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'