
Represents a generic resource, that is opaque to the rest of the Keep by Feenics solutionGeneric resources, are typically used by UI and other 3rd party developers to store information that is related to Keep resources. For example Sound effects used by the Keep API have no meaning to the rest of Keep, but are stored in the system, and retrieved by the Keep Native App (Windows Desktop)

Generic information is required when more data is needed to be attached to the BaseInfo. With the generic class you are able to create your own custom objects.

GenericInfo Properties

Item -> BaseInfo -> GenericInfo

Field Type Inherited from Description
Href String Item Gets or sets the href.
CommonName String BaseInfo Common Name of the resource.The common name of the resource.
ConcurrencyVersion Nullable<Int64> BaseInfo Gets or Set the Version.
InFolderHref String BaseInfo relative path Href value for the containing folderAll objects exist within a folder. Even folders!
InFolderKey String BaseInfo Represents the internal ID of the containing folder
IsGlobal Boolean BaseInfo If set True, the object will be exposed to the entire instance scope in which it resides. Meaning this object will always pass scope wide permissions tests when being queried although other restrictions such as by type will still apply (You need at least Read on the object type to see it regardless where you are in the instance scope). This Attribute is intended for use with AccessLevelInfo objects only. Use with other model objects may cause unexpected behaviors. Particularly this should not be used with ScheduleInfos, HolidayInfos, HolidayDayInfos, or ElevatorAccessLevelInfos. In time more objects will be allowed for use with this attribute but for the time being please only use with AccessLevelInfo Objects.
Key String BaseInfo Represents the internal ID of the object.
Links List<Link> BaseInfo List of related resourcesIt is expected that a resource will have many related resources (i.e. person has many access levels) Consumers of the API are encouraged to iterate through the list of links requesting this additional information as required.
Metadata MetadataItem[] BaseInfo The set of metadata attached to this resourceMetadata is opaque to the server code. Key value pairs are saved as part of a client activity. Users of the Native windows client, are able to design custom forms to display and edit scalar values in the meta data.
Monikers MonikerItem[] BaseInfo the set of Monikers for this object
Notes NoteInfo[] BaseInfo The set of notes attached to this resourceNotes are free form text only that is stored in chronological order. All notes are retrieved as part of an OBJECT get. Notes may be added as one POST but not updated with a PUT of the primary resource. WHen the resource is deleted all the notes are also deleted.
ObjectLinks ObjectLinkItem[] BaseInfo The set of resources that are related to this resourceFrequently resources have a one to one, or one to many relationship with other resources in the system. Use this set of links to discover related resources. 2016/09/29 Href property of the related resource may be null. In which case it’s expected that a set of related objects has already been retrieved by the client and the Key value will be used to index into that set.
Tags String[] BaseInfo the set of tags for this objectTags are used to group objects together for the purposes of selection and assignment of operation rights
ShouldPublishUpdateEvents Boolean GenericInfo Gets or sets if updates to the metadata associated to this GenericInfo should publish Object Modified events.
TypeName String GenericInfo Gets or sets the name of the type.
Values String GenericInfo Gets or sets the values.

JSON Structure of GenericInfo

   "Href"	:	"String",
   "CommonName"	:	"String",
   "ConcurrencyVersion"	:	"Nullable\<Int64\>",
   "InFolderHref"	:	"String",
   "InFolderKey"	:	"String",
   "IsGlobal"	:	"Boolean",
   "Key"	:	"String",
   "Links"	:	"List\<[Link](/object-model/link)\>",
   "Metadata"	:	"[MetadataItem](/object-model/metadataitem)[]",
   "Monikers"	:	"[MonikerItem](/object-model/monikeritem)[]",
   "Notes"	:	"[NoteInfo](/object-model/noteinfo)[]",
   "ObjectLinks"	:	"[ObjectLinkItem](/object-model/objectlinkitem)[]",
   "Tags"	:	"String[]",
   "ShouldPublishUpdateEvents"	:	"Boolean",
   "TypeName"	:	"String",
   "Values"	:	"String"

Add Generic Async

Example in C#

// Returns: GenericInfo
var genericInfo = await client.AddGenericAsync(FolderInfo folder, GenericInfo generic);

Example in CURL

           curl -X POST \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               -d '{
                       "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.GenericInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",

Delete Generic Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.DeleteGenericAsync(GenericInfo generic);

Example in CURL

           curl -X DELETE \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Generic As

Example in C#

// Returns: T
var t = await client.GenericAs<T>(GenericInfo generic);

Get Generics Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<GenericInfo>
var genericInfo = await client.GetGenericsAsync(FolderInfo folder, String typeName);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Get Generics Async

Example in C#

// Returns: IEnumerable<T>
var item = await client.GetGenericsAsync<T>(FolderInfo folder, String typeName);

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Example in CURL

           curl -X GET \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' 

Update Generic Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.UpdateGenericAsync(GenericInfo generic, Boolean bypassEventHistory);

Example in CURL

           curl -X PUT \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               -d '{
                       "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.GenericInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                       "Values":"{ \"curl\" : \"values\" }",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "Text":"Common Name"
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "Text":"Take Ownership"
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "Text":"Connected Objects"
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "Text":"Referencing Objects"
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Link, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.Anchor, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.ObjectLinkItem, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"System.Byte[], mscorlib",
                               "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.ObjectLinkItem, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                                   "$type":"System.Byte[], mscorlib",