
Notes are attached to BaseInfo objects this allows for users to store additional information about an object in a story format. For example: Card 666 deactivated because it was evil!!!

NoteInfo Properties

Item -> NoteInfo

Field Type Inherited from Description
Href String Item Gets or sets the href.
CreatedOn DateTime NoteInfo Gets or sets when the note was created.For Revision history please see the Events log
Key String NoteInfo Gets or sets the key.
NoteText String NoteInfo Gets or sets the plain text note.
User ObjectLinkItem NoteInfo Gets or sets the user who created the note.

JSON Structure of NoteInfo

   "Href"	:	"String",
   "CreatedOn"	:	"DateTime",
   "Key"	:	"String",
   "NoteText"	:	"String",
   "User"	:	"[ObjectLinkItem](/object-model/objectlinkitem)"

Add Note Async

Example in C#

// Returns: T
var item = await client.AddNoteAsync<T>(T baseInfo, NoteInfo note);

Example in CURL

           curl -X POST \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
               -d '
                   "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.NoteInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
                   "NoteText":"Note for cUrl Example",

Remove Note Async

Example in C#

// Returns: nothing
await client.RemoveNoteAsync(BaseInfo baseInfo, NoteInfo note);

Example in CURL

           curl -X DELETE \
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE'