Add Readers

Mercury Reader

When adding a reader to a downstream we use the methods provided for adding a peripheral. Each different reader type has different defaults and a different data structure. Be sure to determine what your reader needs when being created by searching it up in the API. The example is for a Mercury Reader.

For more information on Peripherals in general, Mercury Readers, and the methods used please look at PeripheralInfo and MercuryReaderInfo.

Example in C#

var reader = await client.AddPeripheralToDownStreamAsync(downstream, new MercuryReaderInfo
	SioIndex = 0, //where on the panel in index
	AntiPassbackTimeout = 0, //anti pass back timeout
	MercuryAntiPassbackType = Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryAntiPassbackTypes.None,// anti-pass-back type
	AssumeDoorUsed = false,
	CommonName = "Reader In API How To",
	EnableHostCheckBeforeGrant = false,
	HostCheckDefaultIsGrant = true,
	NormalGrantAccessTime = 6,
	ExtendedGrantAccessTime = 30,
	StrikeMode = 1, //strike mode... 1- normal?
	DoorHeldTime = 30,
	MercuryKeypadType = Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryKeypadTypes.None,
	OfflineAccessMethod = Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryReaderAccessMethods.FacilityCodeOnly,
	MercuryReaderAccessMethod = Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryReaderAccessMethods.Card,
	MercuryReaderType = Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryReaderTypes.Wiegand

Example in CURL

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization:  Bearer TOKEN_GOES_HERE' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "$type":"Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model.MercuryReaderInfo, Feenics.Keep.WebApi.Model",
        "CommonName":"Reader In API How To",