
This is the class that represents a Le reader for a MercuryReaderInfo .

This is the information for the LE Reader type.

LeReaderInfo Properties

Item -> BaseInfo -> PeripheralInfo -> MercuryPeripheralInfo -> MercuryReaderInfo -> LeReaderInfo

Field Type Inherited from Description
Href String Item Gets or sets the href.
CommonName String BaseInfo Common Name of the resource.The common name of the resource.
ConcurrencyVersion Nullable<Int64> BaseInfo Gets or Set the Version.
InFolderHref String BaseInfo relative path Href value for the containing folderAll objects exist within a folder. Even folders!
InFolderKey String BaseInfo Represents the internal ID of the containing folder
IsGlobal Boolean BaseInfo If set True, the object will be exposed to the entire instance scope in which it resides. Meaning this object will always pass scope wide permissions tests when being queried although other restrictions such as by type will still apply (You need at least Read on the object type to see it regardless where you are in the instance scope). This Attribute is intended for use with AccessLevelInfo objects only. Use with other model objects may cause unexpected behaviors. Particularly this should not be used with ScheduleInfos, HolidayInfos, HolidayDayInfos, or ElevatorAccessLevelInfos. In time more objects will be allowed for use with this attribute but for the time being please only use with AccessLevelInfo Objects.
Key String BaseInfo Represents the internal ID of the object.
Links List<Link> BaseInfo List of related resourcesIt is expected that a resource will have many related resources (i.e. person has many access levels) Consumers of the API are encouraged to iterate through the list of links requesting this additional information as required.
Metadata MetadataItem[] BaseInfo The set of metadata attached to this resourceMetadata is opaque to the server code. Key value pairs are saved as part of a client activity. Users of the Native windows client, are able to design custom forms to display and edit scalar values in the meta data.
Monikers MonikerItem[] BaseInfo the set of Monikers for this object
Notes NoteInfo[] BaseInfo The set of notes attached to this resourceNotes are free form text only that is stored in chronological order. All notes are retrieved as part of an OBJECT get. Notes may be added as one POST but not updated with a PUT of the primary resource. WHen the resource is deleted all the notes are also deleted.
ObjectLinks ObjectLinkItem[] BaseInfo The set of resources that are related to this resourceFrequently resources have a one to one, or one to many relationship with other resources in the system. Use this set of links to discover related resources. 2016/09/29 Href property of the related resource may be null. In which case it’s expected that a set of related objects has already been retrieved by the client and the Key value will be used to index into that set.
Tags String[] BaseInfo the set of tags for this objectTags are used to group objects together for the purposes of selection and assignment of operation rights
BacnetReadOnly Nullable<Boolean> MercuryPeripheralInfo Flag to indicate if this peripheral is enabled for BACNet.
ControllerCommonName String MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the name of the controller common.
ControllerHref String MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the controller href.
ControllerIndex Int32 MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the index of the controller.
ControllerKey String MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the controller key.
SioIndex Int32 MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the index of the sio.
SioNumber Int32 MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the sio number.
Status PeripheralStatusItem MercuryPeripheralInfo Gets or sets the status.
AlternativeReader Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the reader as an Alternative reader.
AntiPassbackTimeout Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the anti passback timeout. In Seconds.
AssumeDoorUsed Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets a value indicating whether [assume door used].Possible Values (true, false)
DestinationReaderSettings DestinationReaderSettings MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the DestinationReaderSettings value
DoorHeldTime Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the door held time. In Seconds.
DoorPreHeldTime Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the door pre-held time. In Seconds.
ElevatorType MercuryElevatorType MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the type of Elevator reader. See MercuryElevatorType.
EnableHostCheckBeforeGrant Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable host check before grant].Possible Values (true, false)
ExtendedGrantAccessTime Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the extended grant access time. In Seconds.
HostCheckDefaultIsGrant Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets a value indicating whether [host check default is grant].Possible Values (true, false)
IsTurnstile Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the isTurnstile value. Enable to set relay time to 1 second.
LockFunctionMode Nullable<Int32> MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the lock function mode.
MercuryAntiPassbackType MercuryAntiPassbackTypes MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the type of the mercury anti passback. See MercuryAntiPassbackTypes.
MercuryKeypadType MercuryKeypadTypes MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the type of the mercury keypad. See MercuryKeypadType.
MercuryReaderAccessMethod MercuryReaderAccessMethods MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the mercury reader access method. See MercuryReaderAccessMethods.
MercuryReaderType MercuryReaderTypes MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the type of the mercury reader. See MercuryReaderType
NormalGrantAccessTime Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the normal grant access time. In Seconds.
NumberOfFloors Nullable<Int32> MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the number of floors.
OfflineAccessMethod MercuryReaderAccessMethods MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the offline access method. See MercuryReaderAccessMethods.
RecordRexEvents Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the RecordRexEvents value. Disable to mask unnecessary transactions.
RexUnlockDoor Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets a value indicating whether [rex unlock door].Possible Values (true, false)
StrikeFollowerDelay Nullable<Int32> MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the strike follower delay. In Seconds.
StrikeFollowerPulse Nullable<Int32> MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the strike follower pulse. In Seconds.
StrikeMode Int32 MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the strike mode. 1 = Deactivate strike when door opens, 2 = Deactivate strike when door closes.0 = Do not use! This would allow the strike to stay active for the entire strike time allowing the door to be opened multiple times. 1 = De-activate strike when door opens. 2 = De-activate strike on door close or strike_t_max expires.
TwoCardControl Boolean MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets the rule for the reader requiring two cards.
UseStrikeFollower Nullable<Boolean> MercuryReaderInfo Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use strike follower].Possible Values (null, true, false)
LeReaderType SchlageLeReaderTypes LeReaderInfo Gets or sets the LeReaderType value
LockFunction SchlageLockFunctions LeReaderInfo Gets or sets the LockFunction value
LockStatus SchlageStatusItem LeReaderInfo Gets or sets the LockStatus value
SerialNumber String LeReaderInfo Gets or sets the SerialNumber value
VersionNumber String LeReaderInfo Gets or sets the VersionNumber value

JSON Structure of LeReaderInfo

   "Href"	:	"String",
   "CommonName"	:	"String",
   "ConcurrencyVersion"	:	"Nullable\<Int64\>",
   "InFolderHref"	:	"String",
   "InFolderKey"	:	"String",
   "IsGlobal"	:	"Boolean",
   "Key"	:	"String",
   "Links"	:	"List\<[Link](/object-model/link)\>",
   "Metadata"	:	"[MetadataItem](/object-model/metadataitem)[]",
   "Monikers"	:	"[MonikerItem](/object-model/monikeritem)[]",
   "Notes"	:	"[NoteInfo](/object-model/noteinfo)[]",
   "ObjectLinks"	:	"[ObjectLinkItem](/object-model/objectlinkitem)[]",
   "Tags"	:	"String[]",
   "BacnetReadOnly"	:	"Nullable\<Boolean\>",
   "ControllerCommonName"	:	"String",
   "ControllerHref"	:	"String",
   "ControllerIndex"	:	"Int32",
   "ControllerKey"	:	"String",
   "SioIndex"	:	"Int32",
   "SioNumber"	:	"Int32",
   "Status"	:	"[PeripheralStatusItem](/object-model/peripheralstatusitem)",
   "AlternativeReader"	:	"Boolean",
   "AntiPassbackTimeout"	:	"Int32",
   "AssumeDoorUsed"	:	"Boolean",
   "DestinationReaderSettings"	:	"[DestinationReaderSettings](/object-model/destinationreadersettings)",
   "DoorHeldTime"	:	"Int32",
   "DoorPreHeldTime"	:	"Int32",
   "ElevatorType"	:	"[MercuryElevatorType](/object-model/mercuryelevatortype)",
   "EnableHostCheckBeforeGrant"	:	"Boolean",
   "ExtendedGrantAccessTime"	:	"Int32",
   "HostCheckDefaultIsGrant"	:	"Boolean",
   "IsTurnstile"	:	"Boolean",
   "LockFunctionMode"	:	"Nullable\<Int32\>",
   "MercuryAntiPassbackType"	:	"[MercuryAntiPassbackTypes](/object-model/mercuryantipassbacktypes)",
   "MercuryKeypadType"	:	"[MercuryKeypadTypes](/object-model/mercurykeypadtypes)",
   "MercuryReaderAccessMethod"	:	"[MercuryReaderAccessMethods](/object-model/mercuryreaderaccessmethods)",
   "MercuryReaderType"	:	"[MercuryReaderTypes](/object-model/mercuryreadertypes)",
   "NormalGrantAccessTime"	:	"Int32",
   "NumberOfFloors"	:	"Nullable\<Int32\>",
   "OfflineAccessMethod"	:	"[MercuryReaderAccessMethods](/object-model/mercuryreaderaccessmethods)",
   "RecordRexEvents"	:	"Boolean",
   "RexUnlockDoor"	:	"Boolean",
   "StrikeFollowerDelay"	:	"Nullable\<Int32\>",
   "StrikeFollowerPulse"	:	"Nullable\<Int32\>",
   "StrikeMode"	:	"Int32",
   "TwoCardControl"	:	"Boolean",
   "UseStrikeFollower"	:	"Nullable\<Boolean\>",
   "LeReaderType"	:	"[SchlageLeReaderTypes](/object-model/schlagelereadertypes)",
   "LockFunction"	:	"[SchlageLockFunctions](/object-model/schlagelockfunctions)",
   "LockStatus"	:	"[SchlageStatusItem](/object-model/schlagestatusitem)",
   "SerialNumber"	:	"String",
   "VersionNumber"	:	"String"